The APX Physiology Podcast
Exploring how to achieve your greatest health, performance and mindset
Podcasting since 2018 • 196 episodes
The APX Physiology Podcast
Latest Episodes
Chronic Pain & The Brain
I am joined by functional neurologist Martin Fenn to discuss how the brain effects our perceptions of pain and ways in which we can maximise brain health in order to reduce pain.
Season 1
Episode 226

Scoliosis Management & Practice Development
I am joined by world leading Scoliosis specialist Ed Paget to discuss his methodology when it comes to treating back pain.***Ed takes me through his origins story and how he was one of the first practitioners to pioneer Osteopathy in Ca...
Season 1
Episode 225

The Self Development Series: Overcoming Mental Blocks
In the third instalment of the Self Development series I discuss mental blocks and what we can do to overcome them.***I go through questions you can ask yourself to help you overcome whatever obstacles you’ve been facing. This is an int...
Season 1
Episode 223